Found Images
Hopkins Center 2
Dartmouth College
Project Description
Charles Gibson’s involvement with the Hopkins Center Graphic Design Studio spanned two decades– as assistant designer under Mark Friedman from 1972-1974 and as design director from 1979-1987. Responsibilities included: design and implementation of season brochures; posters for the performing arts, film society, and Artist-in-Residence Program; print advertising; lobby/kiosk displays; fundraising pieces; and special projects. Prior to the opening of the Hood Museum of Art in 1985, Charles Gibson also designed invitations, posters, and exhibition catalogs for the Center’s galleries.
This selection of posters features a diversity of concepts based upon the expressive possibilities of “found” materials. Whether drawing upon period engravings for early music events, creating “graffiti” from an autograph signature for an all-Mozart concert, or generating a photo-translation of electric plugs to symbolize “new music”, working with found images, motifs, and objects offers unparalleled opportunities for amplifying graphic communication. Selected materials need only be public domain and adaptable to the high contrast nature of photosilkscreen reproduction.